Ch. Symmetry's Make Vrroom For Daddy, CD, RAE, NAJ, NF
8/25/2005 - 4/14/17. Teddy was another one of the KinseyHams, and he was a cuddly teddy bear of a dog - hence the call name! His attitude was always "What do you want me to do, Mom?" He will always be missed. |

He's about 9 days old here - I love this picture! It's hard to believe they were ever so small.
5 weeks old. He's always been very easy to work with - even at this age, I could stack him and he'd just stand there as long as the treats held out :-) |
4 months old. Developing nicely! |
Best in Sweepstakes!
March 2006: At his very first show, just six months old, Teddy went Best In Sweepstakes at the Dallas Specialty! Ronnie and I both had other dogs to show, so we asked Kinsey's breeder Vicki Monson to show him for us. Despite not knowing her very well, Teddy took to her right away and he showed his little heart out for her! |
November 2007: At the Tulsa shows they had a special competition for Brace class. This is a non-regular class (that basically means just for fun, no points) where one handler takes two dogs into the ring. Both dogs are shown together, moved together, and judged as a unit. We entered Teddy and his brother Gus, and were an awesome brace. Since they are similar in build, they moved as one and showed beautifully. They went Best Brace in Show - two days in a row! That's Teddy on the left, closest to Ronnie. |
Champion Teddy!
July 2008 - Teddy joins his brothers Keeper and Gus by finishing his AKC Championship! He got all but one point from the Bred By Exhibitor class, and was always handled either by my hubby Ronnie or myself. Now for more performance titles!! Look for Teddy in the agility ring next winter or spring. |
Agility is hard for a big dog - you can see that Teddy barely fits through the tire jump! But he's always willing to give it his best. |
Still going strong!
Even as an older gentleman, Teddy is still sound and powerful and loves to jump! He is 8 years old in this picture. |
Companion Dog!
Teddy earned his CD (Companion Dog) obedience title with very good scores. I love this picture of us, taken during the Novice B class at the National in 2012 - he is in perfect heel position, right by my left side, and paying close attention to me. |
Rally Advanced Excellent!
2014: At 8 1/2 years old, Teddy has finished his Rally Advanced Excellent title in Rally obedience! This title requires qualifying scores from both the Rally Advanced B class, AND the Rally Excellent B class, at 10 different Rally trials. Teddy got all 10 legs in 10 tries! He is now Ch Symmetry's Make Vrroom For Daddy, CD, RAE, NAJ, NF. These classes are all done OFF lead! It requires a lot of teamwork between the handler and the dog! In this photo, Teddy is winning the Advanced Rally class at the 2012 GDCA National in Topeka with a perfect score of 100. |